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Theca with relics of St Francis of Paola and Blessed Bonaventure of Potenza

Oval glass-fronted reliquary theca housing relics of Saint Francis of Paola and the Blessed Bonaventure. The relics are affixed to a silk background, surrounded twisted silver wire ornamentation and identified on a paper cedula label in red ink as S. Franc. de  Pou. / B. Bonaven. On the back the theca is protected by a seal of red wax with a perfectly preserved imprint of unidentified Catholic order.

Saint Francis of Paola, O.M. (Francesco di Paola)(†1507) was an Italian mendicant friar and the founder of the Roman Catholic Order of Minims. The two major movements in this order were humility and non-violence. The word "Minim" refers to living as the smallest or least, or embracing humility, simplicity, and plainness. The call to non-violence and absence of cruelty was expressed through veganism and not doing harm to any creature. He is a patron saint of vegetarians, boatmen, mariners, and naval officers.

Blessed Bonaventure of Potenza was born of poor but virtuous parents in Potenza in the kingdom of Naples. At the age of 15, Bonaventure received the Franciscan habit among the Conventuals.​ and became a ​​home missioner in southern Italy. Noted novice master, and known for the theological depth of his preaching​, he w​orked fearlessly with plague victims. A miracle worker, he had the gifts of healing, and of levitation, and saw the soul of his sister ascend into heaven.​ ​He was proclaimed blessed by Pope Pius VI in 1775 and his feast day is commemorated on October 26.


Additional Info

  • ID#: 103-RSABR-25
  • Size: 32 x 25 mm
  • Age: ca. 19th century
  • Origin: Italy
  • Materials: tin
  • Price: $50020% off$400
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
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