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Home>>Тематические Коллекции>>Icons of Our Lady of Kazan - the Protectress of Russia

Icons of Our Lady of Kazan - the Protectress of Russia

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church. It is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь со Св. мученицей Зинаидой на полях

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 215-089-102-SP2
  • Размер 16 1/4 x 14 1/2 inches (41 x 37 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,500
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская со святыми на полях

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 64-1009-011-228-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/2 in (31 x 27 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,275
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в серебряном окладе и киоте

Fine Russian icon depicting Our Lady of Kazan covered by a finely chased gilt silver oklad revetment cover. The cover of the icon is hallmarked with  Moscow town mark dating 1883. The icon is housed in an attractive original glass-fronted wooden kiot shadowbox frame. 

  • ID# 595-031-144-SP2
  • Размер in frame: 12 1/2 x 11 inches (32 x 28 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,275
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 418-046-063-SP2
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в серебряном окладе и киоте

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 1069-008-086-SP2
  • Размер 11 x 9 1/2 inches (28 x 24 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в серебряном окладе и киоте

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 1226-002-001-SP2
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 9 inches (26 x 23 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,000
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - Our Lady of Kazan with 2 border saints

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 98-044-060-SP6-115
  • Размер 17 1/3 x 14 1/3 in (44 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Происхождение Provincial Russia
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $997
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в серебряном окладе, 1840 г.

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 116-1009-015-139-SP1
  • Размер 9 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches (25 x 21 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в серебряном окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, two major Kazan Cathedrals are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

The icon is covered with a gilt silver cover hallmarked with a town mark of Moscow, assayer's mark dated 1877 and maker's mark СГ for a well-known maker Semyon Galkin. 

  • ID# 1325-001-112-SP2
  • Размер 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (17 x 14 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - Our Lady of Kazan

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 183-028-132-SP6-11
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 in (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1880's
  • Происхождение Icon painting village of Kholui
  • Материалы Egg tempera and gilding on gessoed wood
  • Цена $950
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - icon depicting the Crucifixion, Our Lady of Kazan, St. Nicholas, St. Michael, and St. George

Complex icon depicting the Crucifixion flanked by the Mother of God and St. John under God the Father, with four panels depicting Our Lady of Kazan (top left), St. Nicholas (top right), St. Michael the Archangel, Chief of the Heavenly Host (bottom left), and St. George Slaying the Dragon (Bottom right)

  • ID# 17-52-58-SP6-100
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 in (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1890s
  • Происхождение Icon painting village of Kholui
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered and gessoed wood
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Four-Panel icon depicting the Crucifixion, Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Unburnt Bush, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Nicholas,

  • ID# 207-078-101-SP6-1
  • Размер 21 x 17 1/2 in (53 x 44 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered and gessoed wood
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Четырехчастная икона - Казанская Богородица, Св Николай, Пророк Илия и Св Георгий

The four-part icon is depicting Our Lady of Kazan and St Nicholas in the upper registers and Prophet Elijah and Miracle of St George Slaying the Dragon in the lower registers. 

  • ID# 195-046-082-SP7-7
  • Размер 34 x 28 cm
  • Возраст около 1890
  • Материалы около 1890
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 702-037-087-SP2
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches (31 x 27 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $875
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 184-039-061-SP7-1
  • Размер 32 x 26,5 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение около 1900
  • Цена $850
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, two major Kazan Cathedrals are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 207-1009-031-013-SP1
  • Размер 35 x 29 cm
  • Возраст около 1880
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы Темпера на грунтованной доске в латунном окладе
  • Цена $850
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 236-101-069-SP7-15
  • Размер 26 x 21 cm
  • Возраст около 1900 гг
  • Происхождение около 1900 гг
  • Материалы около 1900 гг
  • Цена $800
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 124-104-103-SP7-1
  • Размер 39 x 31 cm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 131-105-024-SP7-7
  • Размер 31 x 26 cm
  • Возраст около 1890
  • Материалы около 1890
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе и киоте

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 203-1009-030-006-SP1
  • Размер 25 x 21 cm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь в окладе и киоте

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 1137-071-006-SP2
  • Размер Frame: 10 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches (26 x 22 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 194-1009-028-013-SP1
  • Размер 26 x 21 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы Темпера, серебрение и цировка на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $750
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.  

  • ID# 1252-039-102-SP2
  • Размер 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches (22 x 17 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $735
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 64-098-021-SP7-1
  • Размер 27 x 22 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $725
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 326-075-031-SP1
  • Размер 31 x 25 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы темпера на грунтованной доске в окладе посеребрённой латуни
  • Цена $725
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - Our Lady of Kazan

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 111-044-053-SP6-8
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/4 in (31 x 26 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Происхождение Provincial Russia
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered, tooled, and gessoed wood
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Двухсторонняя икона - Казанская Богоматерь и Св Николай Угодник

Double-sided icon in original gilt frame. One side depicting Our Lady of Kazan and the other side - St. Nicholas of Myra. 

  • ID# 41-070-096-SP7-28
  • Размер 47 x 39 cm
  • Возраст около 1910
  • Материалы около 1910
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богородица

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

A small figure on the left is St. Mary of Egypt. 

Saint Mary of Egypt (ca. 344 – ca. 421) lived an extremely dissolute life but was struck with remorse, and upon seeing an icon of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem gave up the world to become an ascetic. She is revered as the patron saint of penitents, most particularly in the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic churches, as well as in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. Patronage: Chastity (warfare against the flesh; deliverance from carnal passions); deliverance from Demons; Fever; Skin diseases; Temptations of the flesh. Her feast day is commemorated by the Church on April 1.

  • ID# 169-028-001-SP7-7
  • Размер 31 x 25 cm
  • Возраст около 1900 гг
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы Масло, левкас, дерево
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богородица

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 233-101-023-15
  • Размер 30 x 26 cm
  • Возраст около 1900 гг
  • Происхождение Холуй
  • Материалы Темпера и посеребрение на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 241-101-103-SP7-1
  • Размер 33 x 27 cm
  • Возраст около вторая половина 19го века
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы Масло, позолота, левкас, дерево
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 248-105-019-SP7-7
  • Размер 37 x 27 cm
  • Возраст около 1880 гг
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы масло, левкас, дерево
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 176-1009-026-062-SP1
  • Размер 26 x 22 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение Центральная Россия
  • Материалы Темпера, позолота, и цировка на дереве
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan, is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 97-104-035-SP7-7
  • Размер 36 x 28 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $695
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в серебряном окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 90-1009-013-270-SP1
  • Размер 7 x 5 1/2 inches (18 x 14 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $675
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - Our Lady of Kazan in brass cover

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 163-1009-023-238-SP1
  • Размер 31 x 25 cm
  • Возраст около 1850
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы Темпера, дерево, латунь, серебрение
  • Цена $675
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в киоте

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 343-1009-083-067-SP1
  • Размер 28 x 24 cm
  • Возраст около 1880
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы Темпера, левкас, дерево
  • Цена $650
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and considered a palladium of Russia for centuries, until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest-length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4.

  • ID# 162-1009-023-237-SP1
  • Размер 31 x 26 cm
  • Возраст около 1900 гг
  • Происхождение Русская провинция
  • Материалы Темпера, левкас, доска, латунь
  • Цена $625
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская в окладе

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 1111-011-145-SP2
  • Размер 10 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches (27 x 22 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $625
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - 4-Panel icon: Christ Pantocrator, the Annunciation, Our Lady of Kazan, and St. Prince Alexander Nevsky

Russian icon divided into 4 separate registers depicting Christ Pantocrator, the Annunciation, Our Lady of Kazan, and St. Prince Alexander Nevsky.

  • ID# 235-101-025-SP6-7
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 in (31 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $600
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Богоматерь Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 375-105-044-SP1
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (26 x 21 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $575
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Казанская Богоматерь

Our Lady of Kazan is a holy icon of the highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church and is considered a palladium of Russia for centuries until its theft and likely destruction in 1904. The icon represents the Virgin Mary as the protector and patroness of the city of Kazan. It is a close-up variant of the Hodegetria (Directress) style, it is noted mainly for the Child standing, with the Virgin chest length. The Kazan icons are traditionally small, following the original. The Kazan icon was very popular in Russia, especially as a wedding gift, and many copies were made in the design of the original. Two major Kazan Cathedrals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are consecrated to Our Lady of Kazan, as are numerous churches throughout the land. Her feast days are July 21 and November 4. 

  • ID# 213-1009-031-124-SP1
  • Размер 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (17 x 14 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $475
  • Orthodox Cross

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