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Home>>Тематические Коллекции>>Католические мощевики с оригинальными сертификационными документами

Католические мощевики с оригинальными сертификационными документами

Сертификационный документ, который сопровождает запечатанный реликварий,  называют authentics. Подобные документы состоят из следующих частей:

В верхней части документа находится имя и должность (а так же, но не всегда, герб) римско-католического церковного чиновника, который установил и заверил подлинность реликвии. Это может быть генеральный постулатор религиозного ордена, генеральный викарий римской курии или местный архиепископ / епископ или же их викарии.

Ниже приводится приблизительный техт документа, который обычно написан на Латыни:

Всем и каждому, кто будет проверять данный [документ], мы подтверждаем, что  представленные Священные Реликвии получены нами из достоверных мест, с правильной документацией и подтвержденные печатью; из этих [Реликвий] мы отделили [описание Реликвии], которую мы с почтением поместили в серебряный мощевик, овальной формы, со стеклянным окошком [и] заверили на задней части шелковым шнуром красного цвета, защищенным сургучной печатью с оттиском нашего герба. Мы передали эту Святую Реликвию в качестве подарка с разрешением хранить ее у себя, передавать ее другим и публично демонстрировать в любой церкви, оратории или часовне для поклонения верующими и для большей славы Великого Господа, и почитания и поклонения Его Святым.

Сертификационный документ является публичным заверением в отношении подлинности реликвии, подтвержденным подписью и печатью высокопоставленного должностного лица Римской Католической церкви. В прочерках - напечатаны или написанны от руки имя святого и сокращения причин его святости (мученник(ца), преподобный, апостол, итп), а также любое почетное звание, которым Католическая церковь удостоила его после смерти (отец церкви, равноапостольный, итд). Также вписаны описание самой реликвии и мощевика или реликвария, в котором она хранится. В нижней части документа указаны дата и место выдачи, печать офиса и подпись аутентификатора и (обычно) свидетелей процесса заверения.

На оборотной стороне, тека опечатана печатью из красного испанского сургуча которая удерживается на месте шелковыми нитями пересекающими ее. Нити пропускаются через отверстия на противоположных сторонах стенок мощевика и удерживаются с помощью сургучной печати, на которой имеется оттиск герба аутентификатора. Эта печать и нити ни в коем случае не должны быть нарушены, поскольку они защищают целостность и достоверность аутентификации.

К сожалению, большинство антикварных мощевиков утратили оригинальные сертификационные документы. Поскольку выдача новых документов в Ватикане заменяющих утерянные чрезвычайно затруднительна, многие наши клиенты предпочитают обретать мощевики с сохранившейся оригинальной документацией.

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

Spectacular large cruciform reliquary monstrance made of lacquered wood decorated with a silver figure of crucified Christ, silver finials, and plaques depicting Skull over Crossed Bones and the Lamb of God. A removable ornate theca housing particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ is placed in the oval cavity at the base of the monstrance. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and are identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Crusis D.N.J.C. (Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ). On its back, the theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of Father Dominique Lacaes, the Abbot of the Trappist monastery of Sainte-Marie du Mont in Godewaersvelde, France (1847–1883). On the back, the base of the monstrance has a hinged-door compartment that reveals the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Abbot Lacaes in 1867.

  • ID# 06-RSGAR-21
  • Размер The reliquary is 26 1/2 inches (67 cm) high
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощи святого мученика Авундия Римского, пресвитера и монаха в документированном мощевике в форме десницы



Реалистично выполненный в форме благославляющей руки реликварий, сделанный из посеребренного и позолоченного папье маше. В средней части реликвария, в углубление помещена извлекаемая тека из посеребряной латуни с овальным фронтальным окошком, содержащая  исторически значимые мощи первого порядка раннехристианского мученика Святого Авундия Римского. Этикетка гласит - "Зуб и часть пальца". Сзади тека опечатана печатью красного испанского воска с гербом Джузеппе Манчини (+1855), Архиепископа Сиены (1824-1855). К реликварию прилагается оригинальный документ, заверенный  рукою Джузеппе Манчини в 1829 году.

  • ID# 184-RSCR-2
  • Размер высота 45 см
  • Возраст ок. 1829 года
  • Происхождение Италия, Сиена
  • Материалы посеребренный и золоченный реликварий из папье-маше, посеребренная латунная тека
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1867 Документированный реликварий с тремя реликвиями от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

Finely-cast bronze French Gothic style reliquary cabinet containing three facsimile third-class touch relics of the Holy Nails of Jesus Christ. The nails are certified by the individual seals of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome. The relics are identified in French on a fancy cedula label as Fac simile des Clous de la Vraie Croix (Facsimile of the Nails of the True Cross).

The reliquary cabinet contains the original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1867.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 37-RSSR-2
  • Размер 14 inches tall x 9 inches across x 6 1/2 inches deep (35 cm x 23 cm x 17 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

Large French cruciform reliquary monstrance made of lacquered wood with a solid silver center cavity's framing housing a theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed inside of a double-crystal theca placed in the center of the reliquary and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Verae Crvsis (The True Cross). On its back, the cross is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Cardinal. On the back, the base of the monstrance has a hidden compartment that reveals the original matching authentics documents issued by Cardinal Basilio Pompili (†1931), the Vicar General of Rome (1913–1931).

  • ID# 2-RSGA-15
  • Размер 21 inches (54 cm) high
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
1831 Vatican documented reliquary with relics of the True Cross of Jesus Christ

1831 Документированный мощевик с реликвиями от Честного Древа Истинного Креста Господня

A double-crystal silver-set reliquary housing sizable particle relics of wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The precious relics are displayed in a cruciform shape under faceted rock crystal glass.  The reliquary theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Fr. Giovanni Pietro Augustoni O.E.S.A. (†1839), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican (1829–1839). The reliquary is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Father Augustoni in 1831.

  • ID# 317-RSCR-1
  • Размер 62 x 36 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена ПРОДАНО!
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
1919 documented reliquary with relics of the True Cross of Jesus Christ

1919 документированный мощевик с частицами от Честного Древа Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

An oval glass-fronted silvered brass pendant reliquary theca housing precious relics of the Wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape on the ground of multicolor silk surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as De Ligno SS. C. D.N.J.C. (Of the Wood from the Most Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ).  On the back, under a protective cap, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Monsignor St. Guido Maria Conforti (†1931), Bishop of Parma (1907-1931), who himself was canonized as a Saint in 2011 by Pope John Paul II on account of his life of heroic virtue. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Monsignor Conforti in 1919.

  • ID# 316-RSCR-11
  • Размер 34 x 30 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена ПРОДАНО!
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. Угодника Николая Чудотворца (Бари)

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing the first-class Ex Ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Nicholas of Bari. The relic is affixed to a silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Nicholai Ep. / de Bario (Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Bari).  On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Giuseppe Della Porta Rodiani (†1841), Auxiliary Bishop of Rome (1838-1841) and the Vicar General of the Vatican. The reliquary is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Cardinal Porta Rodiani in 1840 under the authority of Pope Gregory XVI (p. 1831–1846).

  • ID# 288-RSCR-1
  • Размер 35 x 30 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
1797 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Anthony the Great, Abbot

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Антония Великого

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Anthony the Great. A substantial relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossibus // S. Antonii Ab. (of bone of Saint Anthony, Abbot).  On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Father Adeodato Turchi (†1803), Bishop of Parma, Italy (1788-1803). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Bishop Turchiin 1797.

  • ID# 01-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 40 x 32 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $4,750
  • Orthodox Cross
1777 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Alexius (Alexis) of Rome

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Алексия, Человека Божьего

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Alexius of Rome. A relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as S. Alexii Rom. Conf. (Saint Alexius of Rome, Confessor).  On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Father Tiberio Borghesi (†1792), Archbishop of Siena, Italy (1771-1792). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Archbishop Borghesi in 1777.

  • ID# 01-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 24 x 22 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $4,500
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
1910 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Christopher, Martyr

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Христофора Ликийского, мученика

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Christopher. A substantial relic is affixed to a polychrome silk ground surrounded by gilt paper and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Xrphori M. (St. Christopher, Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Cardinal Guido Maria Conforti (†), Archbishop of Parma (1907-1931), who was himself canonized as a Saint in 2011. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Monsignor Caselli in 1910.

  • ID# 03-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 30 x 27 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $4,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Fancy documented reliquary with a relic of St. Pope John XXIII

Rare fancy gilt filigree silver reliquary housing the second-class ex indumentis (of the clothes) pre-canonization relic of Saint Pope Paul XXIII. A substantial cloth relic is affixed to a gilt starburst on a ground of red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation, studded with four crystals, and identified in Latin on a bi-color typeset cedula label as Ex Insumentis B. Joannis XXIII Papae. (of the clothing of the Blessed Pope John XXIII).  On the back, under a protective cap, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giulio Mencuccini, CP., Bishop of Sanggau. The reliquary is accompanied by the matching authentics document issued and signed by Bishop Mencuccini on October 11th (the Feast Day of the Saint) of 2000. 

This item is appropriate for private and public veneration. A photograph of the document is available upon request.

  • ID# 39-RSJP-1
  • Размер 12 cm high x 6 cm across (4 3/4 x 2 1/3 inches)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver

1910 документированный мощевик с частицами от Честного Древа Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

A substantial oval glass-fronted silvered-brass pendant reliquary theca housing precious relics of the Wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape on the ground of red silk and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as Ex Ligno SS. Cruc. (Of the Wood from the Cross).  On the back, under a protective cap, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Monsignor St. Guido Maria Conforti (†1931), Bishop of Parma (1907-1931), who himself was canonized as a Saint in 2011 by Pope John Paul II on account of his life of heroic virtue. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Monsignor Conforti in 1910.

  • ID# 289-RSCR-7
  • Размер 41 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена ПРОДАНО!
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный Мощевик с мощами Святых мученников Прота и Иакинф

Large oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Martyr Saints Protus and Hyacinth. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedulae labels as S. Prothi M. //S. Hiacynt. M. ( Saint Protus, Martyr // Saint Hyacinth, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Bishop Cristiani in 1793. 

  • ID# 252-RSCR-75
  • Размер 58 x 47 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,500
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1818 Documented reliquary with relics of Christ's Passion (Arma Christi)

Oval glass-fronted  silvered brass pendant reliquary theca housing five relics of the Instruments of Passion of Jesus ChristRelics are affixed to the red silk ground surrounded by silver wire and gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on manuscript cedulae labels as Ex Col. Flagell. / Ex Fune / Ex Spongia / Ex Sepulcro / Ex Arundine / D.N.J.C. (Of the Column of Flaggellation / of the Holy Rope / of the Holy Sponge / of the Holy Tomb / of the Holy Cane / of Our Lord Jesus Christ). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia (†1830), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina (mother church of the Dominican order), Papal Vicar General (1795-1818), and Prefect of the Congregation of Sacred Rites. The theca is accompanied by an original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia in 1818. 

  • ID# 241-RSCR-9
  • Размер 47 x 44 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Великомученицы Екатерины

Oval silvered brass glass-fronted pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The relic is affixed to the background of red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Cathar VM. (St. Catherine, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Archbishop Francesco Saverio Passari (†1808), Vicegerent of Rome and Titular Archbishop of Larissa in Thessalia. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Fr. Passari in 1797.

  • ID# 64-RSMBR-35
  • Размер 27 x 24 mm
  • Возраст около 1797
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы латунь, стекло, шелк, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена $2,975
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный Мощевик с мощами Святого Иосифа Обручника

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass pendant reliquary theca housing ex Pallio (of a coat) relic of Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The relic is affixed to a multicolor silk ground surrounded by silver wire and gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Pal: S. Jos.  (of a coat of Saint Joseph).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Tiburzio Cortese (†), Bishop of Modena, Italy (1786-1823). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Bishop Cortese in 1807.

  • ID# 281-34-RSCR-225
  • Размер 27 x 25 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Святой Луции Сиракузской

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing precious first-class ex ossibus (from the bone) relic of St. Lucia. The relic is affixed to a red silk background decorated with gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. // S. Luciae V.M. (of the bone of Saint Lucia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The relic is accompanied by an original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr.  Cristiani in 1795.

  • ID# 266-RSCR-6
  • Размер 34 x 28 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,850
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1795 Документированный Мощевик с мощами Св. Кандиды Римской мученицы

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of a bone) relic of Saint Candida, Martyr of Rome. A substantial relic is affixed to a gilt paper starburst on a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossibus S. Candidae, V&.M. (Of the bone of Saint Candida, Virgin & Martyr).  On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. (†1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of the Apostolic Curia (1782-1800). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by Father Cristiani in 1795. 

  • ID# 08-RSCR124-2
  • Размер 42 x 34 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,775
  • Orthodox Cross
1811 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Theopiste (Tatyana), Martyr & wife of St. Eustathius

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Феопистии, жены Св. Великомученика Евстафия

Oval crystal-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the ibone) relic of Saint Theopiste Martyr, Spouse of Saint Martyr Eustathios Placidas. A relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. // S. Theop. M. (of the bone of Saint Theopiste, Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Carlo Francesco Maria Caselli O.S.M. (†1828), Archbishop of Parma, Italy (1805–1828). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Cardinal Caselli in 1811.

  • ID# 07-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 29 x 27 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с реликвиями Мученицы Лукии Сиракузской

Овальный серебряный мощевик с застекленной фронтальной поверхностью, украшенный по периметру орнаментом из переплетенных серебряных нитей, содержит реликвию первого порядка - частицы кости Святой Лукии Сиракузской. Мощи крепятся  к основанию из красного шелка и идентифицированы на этикетке как "Святая Лусия, Мученица". Мощевик опечатан сургучем  красного воска с четко видным гербом Франческо Саверио Кристиани (+1800), Титулярного епископа Порфириона и Сакристана Святого Престола (1782-1800). К мощевику прилагается аутентичный документ, составленный и подписанный отцом Кристиани в 1789 году. В левой части документ имеет незначительные повреждения.

  • ID# 08-RSMB-65
  • Размер 3.3 см х 3 см
  • Возраст ок. 1789 года
  • Происхождение ок. 1789 года
  • Материалы серебро
  • Цена $2,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Святой Луции Сиракузской

Oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing precious first-class ex ossibus (from the bone) relic of St. Lucia. The relic is affixed to a gold silk background decorated with silver wire ornamentation and identified on a manuscript cedula label as S. Luciae V.M. (Saint Lucia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Salvatore Castellino, the Vicar General of Genoa. The relic is accompanied by an original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr. Castellino in 1744 under the orders of the Archbishop of Genoa Nicolò Maria de’ Franchi O.P. (†).

  • ID# 221-RSCR-85
  • Размер 45 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около 1744 г.
  • Происхождение Генуя, Италия
  • Материалы Серебро, стекло, шелк, сургуч
  • Цена $2,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1868 Documented reliquary with relics of St. Catherine, Martyr of Alexandria

Aureola-shaped glass-fronted white-metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as S. Catherinae V. et M. (Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Pietro Paolo Trucchi C.M. (†1887), Bishop of Forli, Italy (1857-1887). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr. Trucchi in 1868. 

  • ID# 270-RSCR-6
  • Размер 37 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Редкая документированная реликвия Страстей - Святого Копья Лонгина

Incredibly rare touch relic made from the silver object that touched the most powerful and mysterious Passion relic - The Holy Spear of Jesus also known as the True LanceThe reliquary is affixed to the original  authentics document dated 1757 and issued and hand-signed by Fr. Nicola Manciforte (†1762), Bishop of Ancona. 

The document written in Latin translates as:

"...that this silver tip of a Lance, tied to this [letter] with a ribbon of red color, and secured with a small Seal of ours impressed in Spanish Wax, touched the Very Sacred Point of the Lance with which the Side of the Savior was pierced while he was hanging on the Cross; that it exists amongst the rest of the quite famous Relics, by the possession of which our Church was distinguished as the Cathedral of St. Cyriacus; and that it rouses and fosters the piety of the Faithful wondrously well, and draws them to itself...."

The Holy Spear is also known as the Holy Lance is the name of the very spear that had pierced Christ’s side when he hanged on the cross. The first person to refer to this as the Holy Spear was pilgrim Antoninus of Piacenza in 570 AD. While describing the holy places of Jerusalem, he said that in the Basilica of Mount Zion, there was the crown of thorns which Our Lord was crowned and the spear which was used to strike Him in the side. It was rediscovered by the European army of the First Crusade in the city of Antioch on June 15th, 1098, but eventually ended up in the treasury of Constantinople. It is documented that the holy relic of the True Lance passed through Ancona (an Italian city on the Adriatic side of the Peninsula), in 1492 on its way from Bayezid II the Turkish Sultan (whose father obtained it in 1451 during the conquest of Constantinople) to Pope Innocent VIII by the hand of Pierre d'Abusson, Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. The Pope placed it in the Treasury of the old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome with the volto santo, where it is held in great veneration. It is now in one of the great piers of the present St. Peter's Cathedral and in front of it, over the image of Longinus is inscribed "The Spear of Longinus, which Innocent VIII, the Chief Pointif received from Bayezid Sultan of the Turks; Urban VIII transferred it to a decorated shrine rasing an image and erecting the shrine beneath." (see for more information: Relics from the Crucifixion: Where They Went and How They Got There. By J. Charles Wall.)

Since there are no records of the Cathedral of Ancona retaining a part of the True Lance when it was passing through the town on its way to Rome, it is believed that the offered relic was obtained by melting a larger silver object that touched the tip of the True Lance in 1492. A number of analogous documented reliquaries are known, but their number is extremely small and they are in very high demand because of the impossibility of making new touch relics from the True Lance held in the Vatican after it was transferred to the pier of St. Peter's basilica in the 17th century.

  • ID# 186-RSCR-8
  • Размер 25 x 8 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1736 Documented reliquary with relics of St. Agatha, Martyr of Sicily, Patron of Nurses

Oval glass-fronted silvered metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Agatha of SicilyThe relic is  affixed to a silk ground surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossib. // S. Agathae V.M. (Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Ignazio Stelluti (†1756), Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino (1735-1756). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Fr. Stelluti in 1736. 

  • ID# 248-RSGSR-75
  • Размер 45 x 37 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,600
  • Orthodox Cross

1807 Vatican documented reliquary with relics of St. Apollonia, Martyr of Alexandria, Patron of Dentists and tooth problems

Small oval crystal-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint ApolloniaThe relic is  affixed to a silk ground surrounded by silver wire and paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as S. Apolloniae (Saint Apollonia). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia (†1830), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina (mother church of the Dominican order), Papal Vicar General, and Prefect of the Congregation of Sacred Rites. The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued at the Vatican and signed by Monsignor Somaglia in 1807. 

  • ID# 254-RSCR-75
  • Размер 32 x 26 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,350
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Святой мученицы Агафьи Сицилийской

Oval glass-fronted silvered metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Benedict, MartyrThe relic is affixed to a silk ground surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Benedicti M. (Saint Benedict, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Fr. Cristiani in 1791. 

  • ID# 255-RSCR-75
  • Размер 37 x 28 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,200
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1802 Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Аполлонии Александрийской

Oval brass glass-fronted reliquary housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saint Apollonia. The relic is affixed to the background of red silk ground surrounded by paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Apolloni / Virg. e Mart. (St. Apollonia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menocchio, O.E.S.A. (1741- 1823), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of His Holiness Pius VII. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Fr. Menocchio in 1802.

  • ID# 235-RSCR-4
  • Размер 28 x 24 mm
  • Возраст около 1802
  • Происхождение Ватикан
  • Материалы посеребренная латунь, стекло, шёлк, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена $1,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами святого Мученика Паулина Антиохийского

Oval glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first class ex ossibus (from the bone) relics of Saint Paulinusof Antioch, Martyr. The relics are affixed to a red silk background, surrounded by twisted silver wire ornamentation and identified on a fancy shaped cedula label as Ex Oss S. Paulini / M. i Ep. Luca (Of the bone of Saint Paulini, Martyr and Bishop of Lucca). On the back, under a protective cap with an image of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the theca is protected by a seal of red wax with a perfectly preserved imprint of a coat of arms of fr. Giulio Arrigoni O.F.M. Ref. (†), the Archbishop of Lucca. It is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr. Arrigoni in 1851. 

  • ID# 99-RSABR-75
  • Размер 2.7 см х 2.4 см
  • Возраст ок. 1851 года
  • Цена $1,250

1993 Documented reliquary theca with relic of Saint Joseph (Giuseppe) Marello, Founder of the Oblates of Saint Joseph

Round glass-fronted yellow-metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) pre-canonization relic of Saint Joseph Marello. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as Ex Ossibus Beati Marello (Ex Ossibus of the Blessed [Joseph] Marello).  On the back, under the protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the Oblates of Saint Joseph. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued on 26 September 1993 (the very day of his beatification) by the Postulator General of the Order. 

  • ID# 477-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775

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