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Home>>Тематические Коллекции>>The Sacred Relics of the Holy Nails: A Testament of Faith and Devotion

The Sacred Relics of the Holy Nails: A Testament of Faith and Devotion

In the heart of Christianity lies a profound reverence for sacred relics, tangible fragments that connect the faithful to the divine mysteries of their faith. Among these revered relics, the Passion relics of the Holy Nails of Jesus Christ stand as a testament to the enduring power of belief and the profound significance of Christ's sacrifice.

The story of the Holy Nails is intertwined with the crucifixion narrative, a cornerstone of Christian theology. According to the Gospels, Jesus Christ was crucified on a wooden cross, with nails driven through his hands and feet. These nails, once instruments of pain and suffering, have come to symbolize the redemptive love and sacrifice that lie at the heart of the Christian faith.

Throughout history, these sacred relics have captured the imaginations of countless believers, drawing pilgrims and seekers to venerate and pay homage. The Passion relics of the Holy Nails have been preserved and venerated by the Christian Church, becoming objects of profound devotion and inspiration.

One of relics of the Holy Nail is housed in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem (Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme) in Rome, consecrated in 325 with a floor that included soil from the Holy Land. Hence, the name “in Jerusalem” refers not to the Cross, but to the Basilica itself, which is “in Jerusalem” because it sits on soil from Jerusalem. A inside of the basilica chapel houses several relics of the Crucifixion and includes one of the Holy Nails.

The veneration of the Holy Nails is not merely an act of historical remembrance; it is an expression of deep faith and spiritual connection. For those who undertake pilgrimages to these relics, the journey becomes a personal and sacred encounter with the divine. The act of venerating the Holy Nails allows believers to forge a deeper connection with Christ's suffering and, by extension, His resurrection.

Critics might question the authenticity of these relics, and indeed, the verification of ancient artifacts is a complex endeavor. However, the faithful would argue that the significance of these relics lies not solely in their material authenticity but in the spiritual resonance they hold for believers. The relics serve as conduits for prayer, meditation, and contemplation, guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys and offering them a glimpse of the eternal truths they hold dear.

In a world often marked by uncertainty and turmoil, the Passion relics of the Holy Nails stand as a timeless reminder of the enduring power of faith. They invite believers to reflect on the depths of Christ's love and sacrifice and inspire them to live lives rooted in compassion, forgiveness, and love.

As the faithful continue to venerate these sacred relics, the legacy of the Holy Nails lives on, a beacon of light guiding generations toward the profound mysteries of the Christian faith. Through these relics, believers find a tangible connection to the heart of their beliefs, a connection that transcends time and space, reaffirming their devotion to the transformative message of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.

1867 Документированный реликварий с тремя реликвиями от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

Finely-cast bronze French Gothic style reliquary cabinet containing three facsimile third-class touch relics of the Holy Nails of Jesus Christ. The nails are certified by the individual seals of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome. The relics are identified in French on a fancy cedula label as Fac simile des Clous de la Vraie Croix (Facsimile of the Nails of the True Cross).

The reliquary cabinet contains the original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1867.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 37-RSSR-2
  • Размер 14 inches tall x 9 inches across x 6 1/2 inches deep (35 cm x 23 cm x 17 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1870 Документированный реликварий с реликвией от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

An attractive French glass-fronted frame of lacquered wood containing a facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

The reliquary frame contains an original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1870.

In addition, the reliquary frame contains the following items:

  1. A cloth ribbon -  3rd class touch relic of the Column of Flagellation of Christ inscribed MISURA DELLA COLONNA DI CRISTO NRO SIGNORE ALLA QUALE FU FLAGELLATO (A Measure Of The Pillar Of Christ Our Lord At Which He Was Flagellated);
  2. A mother-of-pearl pilgrim's cross from the Holy Land;
  3. A dried-up branch from an olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane with a handwritten label Olivier de Terre Sainte (Olive from the Holy Land);
  4. An engraving with a depiction of the relic of the Titlo from the Cross of Jesus housed in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in Rome;
  5. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Sepulcher of Christ;
  6. Two envelopes with a pebble relic from the Column of Flagellation of Christ;
  7. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Grotto of Gethsemane.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 47-RSSR-15
  • Размер Frame: 17 3/4 x 14 1/4 inches (45 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликвия от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

A 19th-century facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

  • ID# 46-RSCR124-25
  • Размер 5 inches (12.5 cm) long
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

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