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Home>>Антикварные Иконы

Икона - Св. Праведные Анна и Иоаким, родители Пресвятой Богородицы

Saints Anne and Joachim, (Western feast day July 26, Eastern feast day July 25), according to Еradition derived from certain apocryphal writings, were the parents of the Virgin Mary. St. Anne is one of the patron saints of Brittany and Canada and of women in labor. As the grandparents of Jesus, Saints Anne and Joachim are also considered the patron saints of grandparents.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 320-070-026-SP1
  • Размер: 28 x 21 cm
  • Возраст: около 1890
  • Происхождение: Русская провинция
  • Материалы: Темпера, позолота, дерево, левкас
  • Цена: ПРОДАНО!
  • Orthodox Cross

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