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Home>>Тематические Коллекции>>Christian Martyrs, Heroes of the Faith Collection

Христианские Мученики - Герои Веры. Коллекция

«С первого дня своего существования Церковь была, есть и будет мученической. Страдание и гонение является для Церкви Божией атмосферой, в которой она непрестанно живет. В разные времена и гонение это бывало различным: иногда — явным и открытым, иногда — скрытым и вероломным», (сербский богослов преподобный Иустин).

Мощевик реликварий с мощами Святого Прокопия Великомученика Кесарийского

Святой Прокопий Кесарийский ( †8 июля 303) — христианский святой, почитаемый в лике великомучеников. Память в Православной церкви совершается 8 (21) июля шестеричным богослужением. Согласно житию, Прокопий происходил из знатной римской семьи, проживавшей в Иерусалиме. Его отцом был христианин Христофор, а матерью язычница Феодосия. Рано лишившись отца он был воспитан матерью и, поступив на военную службу, быстро сделал карьеру. В 303 году был назначен императором Диоклетианом проконсулом в Александрию, получив поручение преследовать местных христиан. По дороге около сирийского города Апамея Неанию явился Иисус Христос (аналогично видению апостола Павла) и этим обратил его в христианство. Неаний проявил себя в борьбе с язычниками, о чём стало известно его матери, которая подала на имя императора жалобу, что сын не почитает языческих богов. Неаний был вызван к прокуратору Иудеи Иусту, где ему вручили послание императора с требованием поклониться римским богам. Неаний разорвал послание, что было расценено как оскорбление императора. Святого арестовали и направили в Кесарию Палестинскую, где подвергли пыткам. После истязаний, как повествует житие, Неанию в темнице вновь явился Христос и сам крестил его под именем Прокопий. Прокопий был подвергнут многочисленным пыткам и его стойкость во время них обратили в христианство множество горожан, в том числе и его мать. По распоряжению прокуратора Флавиана Прокопий был усечён мечом в 303 году, тело его было тайно погребено местными христианами.

  • ID# 59-RSSR-35
  • Размер the reliquary is 22 1/4 inches (56.5 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий монстранс 17-го века со значительными мощами Священномученика Иуды Кириака, Епископа Иерусалимского

Великолепный реликварий XVII века из позолоченного и раскрашенного дерева с обзорными окошками и внутренним остеклением содержит исторически значимую и крупную часть от кости Святомученика Иуды Кириака, епископа Иерусалима. Мощи святого идентифицированы на прилагаемой этикетке. Реликварий был повторно сертифицирован в XIX веке: красная лента опечатана сургучной печатью с оттиском герба кардинала Лоренцо Литта (+1820), Генерального викария Рима (1818-1820).
  • ID# 27-RSMBR-23
  • Размер 28 x 23 x 13 cm
  • Возраст около 17 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы Золоченное дерево, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами святых Космы и Дамиана, врачевателей и чудотворцев

18th-century angel-form reliquary made of painted and gilded wood with front glass panel housing significant first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of two Unmercenary healers: Saints Cosmas and Damian. The relics are affixed to a red silk background and identified on paper cedulae labels as S. Cosmae Mart. / S Damiani Mart. (Saint Cosmas Martyr / Saint Damian Martyr). On the back, the reliquary is protected by a crisscrossed silk ribbon held in place by four seals of red Spanish wax with clear imprints of a coat of arms of an unidentified Catholic Bishop. The reliquary has damage on the left side where the arm is partially missing. 

  • ID# 206-RSCR-2
  • Размер 42 cm high
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы дерево, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощи святого мученика Авундия Римского, пресвитера и монаха в документированном мощевике в форме десницы



Реалистично выполненный в форме благославляющей руки реликварий, сделанный из посеребренного и позолоченного папье маше. В средней части реликвария, в углубление помещена извлекаемая тека из посеребряной латуни с овальным фронтальным окошком, содержащая  исторически значимые мощи первого порядка раннехристианского мученика Святого Авундия Римского. Этикетка гласит - "Зуб и часть пальца". Сзади тека опечатана печатью красного испанского воска с гербом Джузеппе Манчини (+1855), Архиепископа Сиены (1824-1855). К реликварию прилагается оригинальный документ, заверенный  рукою Джузеппе Манчини в 1829 году.

  • ID# 184-RSCR-2
  • Размер высота 45 см
  • Возраст ок. 1829 года
  • Происхождение Италия, Сиена
  • Материалы посеребренный и золоченный реликварий из папье-маше, посеребренная латунная тека
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Усекновение Главы Святого Иоанна Пророка, Предтечи и Крестителя Господня

Кондак на Усекновение главы Пророка, Предтечи и Крестителя Господня Иоанна

Кондак, глас 5: 

Предтечево славное усекновение / смотрение бысть некое Божественное, / да и сущим во аде Спасово проповесть пришествие. / Да рыдает убо Иродия, / беззаконное убийство испросивши: / не закон бо Божий, ни живый век возлюби, / но Предтечи и Крестителя Иоанна . (29-го августа).

  • ID# 09-RSMI-3
  • Размер 34 x 28 cm
  • Возраст около 1803 года
  • Происхождение Москва
  • Материалы Темпера и позолота на дереве в позолоченном серебряном окладе
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Серебряный мощевик с частицами от гробницы Пресвятой Богородицы и мощами Святого Мученика Валентина

Small oval glass-fronted silver reliquary pendant theca decorated around the perimeter with an intricate silver wire floral ornamentation and housing two precious relics: a pebble relic of the Sepulcher of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a sizable first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of St. Valentine, Martyr. The relics are affixed to a red silk background decorated with silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on typeset cedulae labels as Sepul. B. M. V. / S/ Valent. M. ([from] Sepulcher of the Blessed Virgin Mary / S. Valentine, Martyr)On the back, the theca is secured with a well-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of Fr. Guglielmo Pifferi O.E.S.A. (†1910), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon (1887-1910) and the Sacristan of the Vatican Curia.

  • ID# 40-RSSR-5
  • Размер 52 x 47 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Святые Мученики - Мария, Александр Римский и Царица Александра

The icon is depicting theree Christian Martyrs - St. Mary Virgin, St. Alexander of Rome, and St. Queen Alexandra. The iscription on the back dated 1912 indicates a gift from the nuns to their mother superior. 

  • ID# 160-009-176-SP7-7
  • Размер 35 x 31 cm
  • Возраст около 1910
  • Материалы около 1910
  • Цена $2,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Роскошный серебряный монстранс с мощами Святого Мученика Севастьяна Римского

Spectacular silver reliquary monstrance housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saint Sebastian, Martyr. An extremely large precious relic measuring an incredible 8 cm (3 inches in length) is decorated by silver wire and pearls and affixed inside the reliquary monstrance and identified on a manuscript paper cedula label as S. Sebastiani Martir . On the back, the relic is certified by two perfectly preserved seals of red Spanish wax with a coat of arms of Monsignor Carlo Oppizzioni, Cardinal-Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme (1804) and the Archbishop of Bologna (1802 - 1831). The reliquary is hallmarked with French silver marks of Paris and Aude (Southern France) dating to the first third of the 19th century.

  • ID# 50-RSSR-35
  • Размер 10 1/2 inches (27 cm) high
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий с мощами святого Великомученика Пантелеимона, Бездмездного Целителя

Великолепный реликварий-монстранций XVIII века в стиле барокко из позолоченного дерева содержит крайне важные и исторически значимые мощи Святого Великомученика Пантелеимона, Бездмездного целителя. Реликвия помещена в застекленное углубление в центре монстранция. Этикетка гласит - "Святой Панталеон, Мученик". Сзади полость опечатана двумя печатями красного воска с прекрасно сохранившимися оттисками гербов Франческо Мария ди Векки, Апостольского Протонотария и Генерального Викария и Джузеппе Мария Сапорити, Архиепископа Генуи (1746-1767).

  • ID# 141-RSCR-9
  • Размер высота реликвария -38 см
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия, Генуя
  • Материалы позолоченное дерево
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощи 3 Мучеников: Святых Плацида, Клариса и Цезаря в мощевике в форме рамки

Большой витринный мощевик, вмещающий крупные исторически значимые мощи (от кости) трех святых мучеников: Святого Плцида из Мессины, Святого Клариса Отшельника и Святого Цезаря Африканского.  Мощи - существенные определимые части костей прикреплены вертикально к расцвеченному шелковому основанию и окружены орнаментом из золоченой бумаги. Мощи идентифицированы на этикетках, размещенных поперек каждой из реликвий. Передняя поверхность мощевика опечатана по четырем углам сургучом с оттиском герба католического епископа.

  • ID# 94-RSCR-12
  • Размер 47 см х 39 см
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевики бюст с мощами Святой Мученицы Паулины Римской

A life-size bust-form reliquary dating to the 18th century made of silvered painted wood housing very large historically important first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Paulina. The relic is affixed inside of an oval glass-fronted opening and identified on paper cedula label in as S. Paulinae, Virg. Mar. (Saint Paulina, Virgin & Martyr). On the back of the reliquary, the opening to access the relic cavity is protected by a red silk ribbon with three seals of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of Cardinal Marcantonio Colonna (†1793), Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore and Vicar General of the Roman Curia.

  • ID# 48-RSMB-13
  • Возраст вторая половина 18-го века
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы Дерево, посеребрение, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Значимый мощевик с мощами святой Девы- мученицы Бенедикты Римской

Частично позолоченый деревянный реликварий с фронтальным стеклянным окошком содержит исторически значимую частицу кости Святой Девы-мученицы Бенедикты. Реликвия, длиною более 150 мм, крепится к подложке из красного шелка и означена на прихотливо вырезанной этикетке как S. Benedictae Mar{tirus} ( Святая Бенедикта Муч{еница}). Защитные печати на обратной стороне реликвария отсутствуют и нет никаких признаков того, что изначально реликварий был опечатан.

Будущая святая родилась в Риме в семье сенатора. Вместе с другими девами-христианками проведовала учение Христа на территории современнй Франции, за что была схвачена, подвергнута пыткам и обезглавлена в 364 году, в правление императора Юлиана Отступника. Мощи девы были чудесным образом явлены вместе с ее житием в 665 году. Около 878 года мощи были перенесены в бенедиктинское аббатство Ориньи-Сен-Бенуа, а в 1231 году помещены в драгоценную раку. Через некоторое время мощи перенесли в г. Сен-Кантен. 

  • ID# 96-RSCR-55
  • Размер 23 см х 17.5 см
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами 4 раннехристианских мучеников: Св. Целестина, Св. Аманда из Новидунума, Св. Фирма Веронского и Св. Дефендента Фивийского

Ca. 1800’s pentagon-shaped reliquary cabinet in Baroque style decorated with gilding and containing behind the front glass panel substantial first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of four Christian Martyrs: St. Celestine, St. Amandus of Novidunum, St. Firmus of Verona, & St. Defendente the Theban. The relics are affixed to a red silk background decorated with gilt silver wire ornamentation and silk flowers. They are identified in fancy manuscript cedulae labels and, again, on smaller labels affixed directly to the relics. On the back, the reliquary is secured by a braided red silk ribbon secured by a seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of a religious order. 

  • ID# 52-RSMB-12
  • Размер 27 x 25 cm
  • Возраст около 1800 г
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы Дерево, позолота, бумага, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевики со значительными мощами от главы святого Фруктуоза Таррагонского

Large horseshoe-shaped silvered brass crystal-fronted reliquary theca housing a precious ex cranio (of the skull) relic of Martyr Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona. A substantial (85 x 50 mm) relic is affixed to a dark red silk background decorated with imitation pearls and silver wire flowers. The precious relic is identified on a bi-color manuscript paper cedula label as St. Fructuosus M. (Saint Fructuosus, Martyr). On the back,  the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of an unknown Roman Catholic Bishop.

  • ID# 21-RSSR-135
  • Размер 16 x 14 cm
  • Возраст около 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы латунь, посеребрянее, хрусталь
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Frame Reliquary with relics of 4 Female Martyr Saints: St. Justina, St. Pacifica, St. Simplicity & St. Victoria

18th-century glass-fronted gilt wood frame reliquary housing significant relics of four early female martyr saints: Saint Justina, Saint Pacifica, Saint Simplicity, and Saint Victoria. The relics are wrapped in gauze fabric and affixed to background covered with an opulent decoration in gilt and silver wire and centered around a relief image of the Virgin and Child. Each of the relics is identified in Latin on a separate paper cedula label. On the back, the reliquary is secured by a vertical silk cord held in place by two seals of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop. 

  • ID# 43-RSCRM-5
  • Размер 32 x 27 cm
  • Возраст около 18 века
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross
1910 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Christopher, Martyr

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Христофора Ликийского, мученика

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Christopher. A substantial relic is affixed to a polychrome silk ground surrounded by gilt paper and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Xrphori M. (St. Christopher, Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Cardinal Guido Maria Conforti (†), Archbishop of Parma (1907-1931), who was himself canonized as a Saint in 2011. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Monsignor Caselli in 1910.

  • ID# 03-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 30 x 27 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $4,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный Мощевик с мощами Святых мученников Прота и Иакинф

Large oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Martyr Saints Protus and Hyacinth. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedulae labels as S. Prothi M. //S. Hiacynt. M. ( Saint Protus, Martyr // Saint Hyacinth, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Bishop Cristiani in 1793. 

  • ID# 252-RSCR-75
  • Размер 58 x 47 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,500
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. Великомученицы Екатерины

Oval silvered brass glass-fronted pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The relic is affixed to the background of red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Cathar VM. (St. Catherine, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Archbishop Francesco Saverio Passari (†1808), Vicegerent of Rome and Titular Archbishop of Larissa in Thessalia. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Fr. Passari in 1797.

  • ID# 64-RSMBR-35
  • Размер 27 x 24 mm
  • Возраст около 1797
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы латунь, стекло, шелк, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена $2,975
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Святой Луции Сиракузской

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing precious first-class ex ossibus (from the bone) relic of St. Lucia. The relic is affixed to a red silk background decorated with gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. // S. Luciae V.M. (of the bone of Saint Lucia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The relic is accompanied by an original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr.  Cristiani in 1795.

  • ID# 266-RSCR-6
  • Размер 34 x 28 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,850
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1795 Документированный Мощевик с мощами Св. Кандиды Римской мученицы

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of a bone) relic of Saint Candida, Martyr of Rome. A substantial relic is affixed to a gilt paper starburst on a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossibus S. Candidae, V&.M. (Of the bone of Saint Candida, Virgin & Martyr).  On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. (†1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of the Apostolic Curia (1782-1800). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by Father Cristiani in 1795. 

  • ID# 08-RSCR124-2
  • Размер 42 x 34 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,775
  • Orthodox Cross
1811 Documented reliquary theca with relic of St. Theopiste (Tatyana), Martyr & wife of St. Eustathius

Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Феопистии, жены Св. Великомученика Евстафия

Oval crystal-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the ibone) relic of Saint Theopiste Martyr, Spouse of Saint Martyr Eustathios Placidas. A relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. // S. Theop. M. (of the bone of Saint Theopiste, Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Carlo Francesco Maria Caselli O.S.M. (†1828), Archbishop of Parma, Italy (1805–1828). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Cardinal Caselli in 1811.

  • ID# 07-RSCR98-25
  • Размер 29 x 27 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с реликвиями Мученицы Лукии Сиракузской

Овальный серебряный мощевик с застекленной фронтальной поверхностью, украшенный по периметру орнаментом из переплетенных серебряных нитей, содержит реликвию первого порядка - частицы кости Святой Лукии Сиракузской. Мощи крепятся  к основанию из красного шелка и идентифицированы на этикетке как "Святая Лусия, Мученица". Мощевик опечатан сургучем  красного воска с четко видным гербом Франческо Саверио Кристиани (+1800), Титулярного епископа Порфириона и Сакристана Святого Престола (1782-1800). К мощевику прилагается аутентичный документ, составленный и подписанный отцом Кристиани в 1789 году. В левой части документ имеет незначительные повреждения.

  • ID# 08-RSMB-65
  • Размер 3.3 см х 3 см
  • Возраст ок. 1789 года
  • Происхождение ок. 1789 года
  • Материалы серебро
  • Цена $2,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с мощами Святой Луции Сиракузской

Oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing precious first-class ex ossibus (from the bone) relic of St. Lucia. The relic is affixed to a gold silk background decorated with silver wire ornamentation and identified on a manuscript cedula label as S. Luciae V.M. (Saint Lucia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Salvatore Castellino, the Vicar General of Genoa. The relic is accompanied by an original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr. Castellino in 1744 under the orders of the Archbishop of Genoa Nicolò Maria de’ Franchi O.P. (†).

  • ID# 221-RSCR-85
  • Размер 45 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около 1744 г.
  • Происхождение Генуя, Италия
  • Материалы Серебро, стекло, шелк, сургуч
  • Цена $2,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1868 Documented reliquary with relics of St. Catherine, Martyr of Alexandria

Aureola-shaped glass-fronted white-metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as S. Catherinae V. et M. (Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Pietro Paolo Trucchi C.M. (†1887), Bishop of Forli, Italy (1857-1887). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed by Fr. Trucchi in 1868. 

  • ID# 270-RSCR-6
  • Размер 37 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

1736 Documented reliquary with relics of St. Agatha, Martyr of Sicily, Patron of Nurses

Oval glass-fronted silvered metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Agatha of SicilyThe relic is  affixed to a silk ground surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossib. // S. Agathae V.M. (Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Ignazio Stelluti (†1756), Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino (1735-1756). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Fr. Stelluti in 1736. 

  • ID# 248-RSGSR-75
  • Размер 45 x 37 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,600
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощи 4 раннехристианских Мучеников: святых Бенина Дижонского, Иустины Падуанской, Крескентия Римского, Фруктуоза Таррагонского в парных мощевиках

A matching pair of oval silver glass-fronted reliquary thecae, containing the first-class ex ossibus relics of relics of four martyr saints:Saint Benignus of DijonSaint Justine of PaduaSaint Crescentius of Rome, and Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona. The relics are affixed to a red silk background and is titled on a paper cedula as S.Benigni M / S. Iustina M. and S. Crescentii M. / S. Fructuosi M. Back of the thecae are secured by perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax with coat of arms of Luigi Fransoni († 1862) Archbishop of Turin (1832-1862). The thecae are housed in the original tooled leather-clad silk-lined case.

  • ID# 15/16-DDCR125-2 *
  • Размер 3.8 см х 3.2 см
  • Возраст 1850-е годы
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы Италия
  • Цена $2,500

1807 Vatican documented reliquary with relics of St. Apollonia, Martyr of Alexandria, Patron of Dentists and tooth problems

Small oval crystal-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint ApolloniaThe relic is  affixed to a silk ground surrounded by silver wire and paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a  manuscript cedula label as S. Apolloniae (Saint Apollonia). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia (†1830), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina (mother church of the Dominican order), Papal Vicar General, and Prefect of the Congregation of Sacred Rites. The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued at the Vatican and signed by Monsignor Somaglia in 1807. 

  • ID# 254-RSCR-75
  • Размер 32 x 26 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,350
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Святых Космы и Дамиана, безмездных целителей и мучеников

Oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saints Cosmas and Damian.  The relics are affixed to the ground of red silk, surrounded by gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossibus S. Cosmae M. // S. Domiani M. (of the bone of St. Cosmas Martyr // St. Damian, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Pietro Maria Vannucci (†1793), Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy (1770-1793).

  • ID# 48-RSCR50-3
  • Размер 40 x 34 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,250
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Храмовая икона - Св. Антипа Пергамский

Saint Antipas of Pergamum was ordained by John the Apostle Antipas as bishop of Pergamon during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian. The traditional account goes on to say Antipas was martyred in ca. 92 AD by burning in a brazen bull-shaped altar for casting out demons worshiped by the local population. There is a tradition of oil ("manna of the saints") being secreted from the relics of Saint Antipas.  On the calendars of Eastern Christianity, the feast day of Antipas is April 11. Saint Antipas is invoked to assist in toothache. 

  • ID# 95-020-015-SP2
  • Размер 19 x 15 3/4 inches (48 x 40 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Святой мученицы Агафьи Сицилийской

Oval glass-fronted silvered metal reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Benedict, MartyrThe relic is affixed to a silk ground surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Benedicti M. (Saint Benedict, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Saverio Cristiani O.E.S.A. († 1800), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon in a capacity of the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace during the pontificate of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799). The theca is accompanied by the original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Fr. Cristiani in 1791. 

  • ID# 255-RSCR-75
  • Размер 37 x 28 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,200
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1802 Документированный мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Аполлонии Александрийской

Oval brass glass-fronted reliquary housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of Saint Apollonia. The relic is affixed to the background of red silk ground surrounded by paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Apolloni / Virg. e Mart. (St. Apollonia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menocchio, O.E.S.A. (1741- 1823), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of His Holiness Pius VII. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Fr. Menocchio in 1802.

  • ID# 235-RSCR-4
  • Размер 28 x 24 mm
  • Возраст около 1802
  • Происхождение Ватикан
  • Материалы посеребренная латунь, стекло, шёлк, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена $1,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Святой Великомученицы Варвары

Large ornate glass-fronted silver reliquary embellished on the outside by an intricate silver filigree decoration housing a substantial first-class relic of Saint Barbara, the Great Martyr. The relic is affixed to a red silk background decorated with gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossibus // S. Barbarae V. et M.  (from the bone of St. Barbara, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Bernardino Honorati (†1807), Titular Bishop of Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano in Rome, Italy.

  • ID# 256-RSCR-35
  • Размер 67 x 55 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,275
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Чудо Георгия о Змии (Св. Георгий Победоносец)

The oldest icons depicting Saint George as a horseman killing the dragon date to the 12th century. The motif became popular, especially in Georgian and Russian traditions, but it is also found in Greek icons. The saint is depicted in the style of a Roman cavalryman in the tradition of the "Thracian Heros." In Russian Orthodox tradition, the icon is known as "the Miracle of George and the Dragon" as well as "Saint George the Victorybearer."

  • ID# 478-019-236-SP2
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,250
  • Orthodox Cross
Reliquary theca with a relics of St. Agnes of Rome & St. Margaret of Antioch (St. Marina), Martyrs

Мощевик с мощами Святой мученицы Агнессы и Святой Великомученицы Марины

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of two early Christian Martyr saints: Saint Agnes of Rome, Martyr  and Saint Margaret of Antioch, Martyr. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground surrounded by gilt paperole ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedulae labels as S. Agnes V.M. // S. Margh. V.M. (Saint Agnes, Virgin & Martyr  // Saint Margaret, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giovanni Francesco Capelletti (†1831), Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy (1806-1831).

  • ID# 82-RSCR98-9
  • Размер 28 x 22 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. мученика Романа Римского

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Romanus Ostiarius, Martyr of Rome.  A substantial relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. S. Romani Mil. & M.  (of the bone of Saint Romanus, Soldier & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 78-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 36 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,175
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. мученика Власия Севастийского

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Blaise.  A sizable relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. S. Blasii, Episc. & M.  (of the bone of  St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 115-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 36 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,150
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - Saint Martyr Christopher

Saint Christopher, his name meaning "Christ-bearer",  is venerated by several Christian denominations as a martyr killed in the reign of the 3rd-century Roman Emperor Decius According to the Christian tradition, he carried a child, who was unknown to him, across a river before the child revealed himself as Christ. Therefore, he is the patron saint of travelers, and small images of him are often worn around the neck, on a bracelet, carried in a pocket, or placed in vehicles by Christians. The Eastern Orthodox Church venerates Christopher of Lycea with a Feast Day on May 9. The liturgical reading and hymns refer to his imprisonment by Decius who tempts Christopher with harlots before ordering his beheading.

  • ID# 66-015-117-L60i4-150
  • Размер 13 3/4 in x 11 in (35 cm x 28 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1870, Provincial
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $1,100
Reliquary theca with a relic of St. Barbara the Great Martyr

Мощевик с мощами Св. Великомученицы Варвары

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Barbara. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation, and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Barbarae V.M. (Saint Barbara, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop.

  • ID# 54-RSCR98-9
  • Размер 34 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Св. Великомученик Пантелеймон, Святая гора Афон

Greatmartyr Panteleimon (or Pantaleon) was the Unmercenary Healer martyred under the reign of Emperor Maximian (ca. 305 A.D.). He had been educated as a physician and dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick, the unfortunate, and the needy. He treated all those who turned to him without charge, healing them in the name of Jesus Christ. He visited those held captive in prison. These were usually Christians, and he healed them of their wounds. Saint Panteleimon is venerated in the Orthodox Church as a mighty saint and the protector of soldiers. This aspect of his veneration is derived from his first name Pantaleon, which means “a lion in everything”. His second name, Panteleimon, given him at Baptism, which means “all-merciful,” manifests in the veneration of the martyr as a healer. The connection between these two aspects of the saint is readily apparent in that soldiers, receiving wounds more frequently than others, are more in need of a physician-healer. Christians waging spiritual warfare also have recourse to this saint, asking him to heal their spiritual wounds.

The holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon is invoked in the Mystery of Anointing the Sick, at the Blessing of Water, and in the Prayers for the Sick.

The style of the icon is indicative of the workshop of the Russian Saint Panteleimon monastery on the Holy Mount Athos. 

  • ID# 1171-009-202-SP2
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 8 3/4 inches (26 x 22 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. Мученика Феописта, сына Великомученика Евстафия

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Theopistos, Martyr.  A substantial relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. S. Theopisti Martyr  (of the bone of Saint Theopistos, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 121-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 36 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Аполлонии Александрийской

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Apollonia of Alexandria.  A sizable relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. S. Apolloniae V. & M. (of the bone of  St. Apollonia, Virgin and Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 117-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 36 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. Великомученицы Варвары

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing a precious first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Barbara, Martyr.  The relic is affixed to a ground of red-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire and gilt paperolle ornamentation, and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Barbarae V. M. (Saint Barbara, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the (Venerable) Francesco Antonio Marcucci (†1798), Bishop of Montalto (1770-1781), later Titular Patriarch of Constantinople (1781-1798), Confessor and advisor to Pope Clement XIV.

  • ID# 94-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 24 x 22 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $925
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. мученицы Мартины Римской

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Martina of Rome.  The relics are affixed to a gilt paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation, and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as ex oss. Saint Martinae Virg. & M. (of the bone of Saint Martina, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 64-RSCR98-9
  • Размер 39 x 33 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $925
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Vatican Reliquary theca with relics of 2 Martyr Saints: Saint Irene of Rome & Saint Valeria of Milan

Round white-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relics of Saint Irene of Rome and Saint Valeria of Milan. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedulae labels as S. Irenis V. Mart / S. Valeriae V. M. (Saint Irene, Virgin & Martyr / Saint Valeria, Virgin & Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Ugo Poletti (†1997), Vicar General of Rome (1973–1991) and a 1990 date of issue. 

  • ID# 539-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $875
  • Orthodox Cross

Reliquary theca with relics of St. Apollonia, Martyr, Patron of Dentists and tooth problems

Oval crystal-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Apollonia.  A relic is affixed to a ground of silk, surrounded by gilt paperolle silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as S. Apolloniia. V et M. (Saint Apollonia, Virgin & Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Maria Martelli (†1741) Archbishop of Florence, Italy (1722-1740).

  • ID# 17-RSCR50-125
  • Размер 31 x 27 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $875
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Св. мученик Никанор и Св. мученица Соломенида

The icon depicts St. Martyr Nicanor the Deacon and St. Martyr Salome the Georgian. 

  • ID# 933-052-024-SP2
  • Размер 11 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches (30 x 35 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $875
  • Orthodox Cross

Vatican Reliquary theca with relics of Martyr Saint Ursula, Patron of Students

Round white-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relics of Saint Ursula. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Ursulae, V.M. (Saint Ursula, Virgin & Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Ugo Poletti (†1997), Vicar General of Rome (1973–1991) and dated 1990. 

  • ID# 637-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $825
  • Orthodox Cross

Vatican Reliquary theca with relics of 2 Martyr Saints: St. Vitus & St. Modestus

Round white-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relics of two Martyrs: Saints Vitus and Modestus. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedulae labels as S. Viti Martyris. / S. Modesti M. ( Saint Vitus, Martyr / Saint ModestusMartyr ).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Ugo Poletti (†1997), Cardinal Vicar General of Rome (1973–1991) and dated 1990. 

  • ID# 551-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $825
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Св. Преподобный Пётр Афонский и Св. Мученица Стефанида Дамасская

Saint Stephanida witnessed the martyrdom at Damascus of the Holy Martyr Victor, a soldier, during the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius the Philosopher (161-180). He was tortured, but he came through all the torments unharmed. By the power of prayer, he was victorious over a sorcerer, who from that point gave up give sorcery and became a Christian. Witnessing the miracle worked by the Lord through Saint Victor, Stephanida, the young Christian wife of one of the torturers, openly glorified Christ, for which she was condemned to a cruel death. She was tied to two palm trees bent to the ground, which when released, sprung back and tore her apart.

Peter the Athonite († before 883) is reputed to have been the first hermit to settle upon the Mount Athos. Peter is known to history primarily through unattributable legend. It is recorded that Peter was once a soldier who, through the miraculous aid of St. Nicholas and St. Simeon the Righteous, was freed from a Muslim military prison. From prison, St. Peter traveled to New Rome to fulfill a promise to God that he would take the monastic habit. It is held that Peter received his habit from the Pope himself who also formed the saint in monastic discipline. Receiving a vision of the Blessed Virgin and Theotokos Mary, Peter traveled to Mt. Athos and there lived for some fifty years.

  • ID# 51-1009-008-127-SP1
  • Размер 11 1/2 x 9 3/4 inches (29 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $800
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона с тремя святыми: Первомученником Стефаном и Святыми мученицами Евдокией и Марией

Saint Eudokia was a Samarian woman who lived in Heliopolis of Phoenicia (present-day Baalbek, Lebanon). She was a very beautiful pagan and garnered her wealth by attracting wealthy lovers. Eudokia learned about Christianity from a monk by the name of Germanos and asked him if she, too, could be saved from Judgment. Germanos instructed her to remain alone in her chamber for one week, fasting and praying. Eudokia followed his instructions, and at the end of the week, she had a vision about the Archangel Michael that assured her of Christ's love for all people. At age 30, Eudokia commissioned the building of a monastery near Heliopolis and dispensed much of her wealth in various charitable projects. She rejected all of her suitors, and when one persistent suitor named Philostratus was struck down because of his persistence, Eudokia prayed for him until he recovered and then converted to Christianity. Eudokia persuaded many pagans to convert to Christianity and, by her actions, angered Roman officials who had her beheaded in 107 AD.

Saint Stephen (†c.34), venerated as the protomartyr or first martyr of Christianity was, according to the Acts of the Apostles, a deacon in the early church at Jerusalem who aroused the enmity of members of various synagogues by his teachings. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death.

Saint Martyress Mary was a slave of Tertullus, a Roman official. She was brought up as a Christian. When the persecution against the Christians broke out, Tertullus tried to cause Mary to give up her Christian Faith, but Mary remained firm and constant in the Faith. Tertullus feared that he would lose Mary, if she fell into the hands of the Prefect, so he had her whipped. While the poor girl was being whipped, no kindness was shown to her, and after she was hidden in a dark room. The Prefect found out what had been done to Mary, and Tertullus was charged with hiding a Christian in his house. The young girl was then handed over to the Prefect who commanded her to be tortured with great cruelty. The Judge then handed Mary over to a soldier who allowed her to escape. St. Mary lived the rest of her life doing everything for God, and she died a natural death, possibly in the 4th Century. She is called a Martyr, in the Roman Martyrology, because of the sufferings she bore for the sake of Christ.

  • ID# 39-1009-004-127-SP1
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (26 x 21 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Vatican Reliquary theca with relics of Martyr Saint Lucia of Syracuse, Protectress in Epidemics

Round white-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relics of Saint Lucia of Syracuse. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Luciae, V. Mart. (Saint Lucia, Virgin & Martyr).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Ugo Poletti (†1997), Cardinal Vicar General of Rome (1973–1991). 

  • ID# 639-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Великомученик и Целитель Пантелеимон

Greatmartyr Panteleimon (or Pantaleon) was the Unmercenary Healer martyred under the reign of Emperor Maximian (ca. 305 A.D.). Saint Panteleimon had been educated as a physician, and he dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick, the unfortunate, and the needy. He treated all those who turned to him without charge, healing them in the name of Jesus Christ. He visited those held captive in prison. These were usually Christians, and he healed them of their wounds. Saint Panteleimon is venerated in the Orthodox Church as a mighty saint and the protector of soldiers. This aspect of his veneration is derived from his first name Pantaleon, which means “a lion in everything”. His second name, Panteleimon, given him at Baptism, which means “all-merciful”, is manifest in the veneration of the martyr as a healer. The connection between these two aspects of the saint is readily apparent in that soldiers, receiving wounds more frequently than others, are more in need of a physician-healer. Christians waging spiritual warfare also have recourse to this saint, asking him to heal their spiritual wounds.

  • ID# 65-1009-011-246-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/4 in (31 x 26 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $725
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Св. Мученица Илиана и Св. Первомученник Стефан

Saint Juliana of Nicomedia suffered Christian martyrdom during the Diocletian persecution in 304. She was popular in the Middle Ages as the patron saint of sickness.

Saint Stephen (†c.34), venerated as the protomartyr or first martyr of Christianity, was, according to the Acts of the Apostles, a deacon in the early church at Jerusalem who aroused the enmity of members of various synagogues by his teachings. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death.

  • ID# 924-071-073-SP2
  • Размер 11 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches (30 x 24 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Vatican Reliquary theca with relics of 2 Martyrs: St. Marcian of Tortona & St. Marcellinus

Round white-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relics of St. Marcian of Tortona & St. Marcellinus.  The relics are affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedulae labels as S. Marci M. / S. Marcellini MM. ( Saint MarcianMartyr / Saint Marcellinus, Military Martyr ).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Ugo Poletti (†1997), Cardinal Vicar General of Rome (1973–1991) and dated 1990. 

  • ID# 548-RSGSR
  • Размер 32 mm across
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $625
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Святая мученица Вера

The icon is depicting St. Martyress Vera, daughter of St. Sophia. Saint Sophia the Martyresses had her daughters: Faith (Vera), Hope (Nadezhda), and Love (Lyubov) killed during the reign of Hadrian (117–138). The imperial guards took Sophia's daughters one by one, from the oldest to the youngest and beat and tortured them to death in an attempt to force their mother to renounce her faith in Christ. Afterward, Sophia buried her daughters' bodies and remained by their graves for three days until she died herself. 

  • ID# 165-027-017-RSSP7-25
  • Размер 23 x 16 cm
  • Возраст около 1900 г
  • Происхождение Российская провинция
  • Материалы масло на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $575
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Святая Мученица Параскева Иконийская (Пятница) в окладе

Saint Paraskevi of Iconium (also known as Paraskeva Pyatnitsa) is venerated as a Christian virgin martyr. Her parents were Christian, and Paraskevi was named as such (the name means “Friday” in Greek) because she was baptized on a Friday and because Friday was the day of Christ's Passion. She became a preacher, and according to tradition, converted Emperor Antoninus Pius to Christianity, but, subsequently martyred at Iconium during the persecutions of Diocletian. Saint Paraskevi-Pyatnitsa developed a personality and functions of her own on Russian soil. She is traditionally depicted as an ascetic figure wearing the red of martyrdom. She holds an Eastern cross in one hand and a scroll professing her faith in another. In Russia, Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa is the patroness of traders and fairs, and of the Holy Matrimony.

  • ID# 61-1009-011-095-SP1
  • Размер 11 3/4 x 9 in (30 x 23 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $575
  • Orthodox Cross

Иконка - Св. Мученица Пелагея

The icon depicts St. Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus (Greek: Πελαγία, † early 4th century), a legendary Christian saint and martyr who lived in Tarsus in Cilicia (southeastern Asia Minor) during the reign of Roman emperor Diocletian. According to her vita, Pelagia was born in the 3rd century in Tarsus (the Cilician region of Asia Minor) in a family of noble pagans. The girl was distinguished by her extraordinary beauty, received a good education, and the emperor Diocletian decided to make her the wife of his adopted heir, who was captivated by her beauty. Pelagia, who heard about Christians, their faith and martyrdom, was baptized by Bishop Clinon in Tarsus. After that, she refused to marry the adopted son of Diocletian and was brought by her mother to the Emperor, who, after seeing her beauty, wanted to make her his wife. Pelagia refused Diocletian, confessed herself as a Christian, and was executed by being burned in a red-hot copper bull. The bones of the saint were collected by local Christians and buried on one of the hills in the vicinity of the city. Emperor Constantine I the Great built a holy church over the relics of Pelagia.

  • ID# 1355-19-72-SP2
  • Размер 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches (13 x 8 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $500
  • Orthodox Cross

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