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Rare Reliquary with First-Class Relic of St. Bernadette Soubirous

Attractive cruciform glass-fronted gilt bronze reliquary on the onyx stone base decorated around the perimeter with floral ornamentation housing precious first-class ex capillis (from the hair) relic of St. Marian-Bernadette Soubirous. A substantial relic is affixed to a pink silk background and identified in Latin as S.M. Bernadae. On the back, behind a removable glass-fronted cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Patrice Flynn († 1970), Bishop of Nevers, France (1932-1963). 

Saint Maria Bernadette Soubirous (†1879) is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church and is best known for the Marian apparitions of a "small young lady" who asked for a chapel to be built at the nearby garbage dump of the cave-grotto at Massabielle where apparitions are said to have occurred between in 1858. She would later receive recognition when the lady who appeared to her identified herself as the Immaculate Conception. On 29 July 1866, Bernadette took the religious habit of a postulant and joined the Sisters of Charity at their motherhouse at Nevers. She died of her long-term illness at the age of 35 on 16 April 1879 while praying the holy rosary. The Marian shrine at Lourdes (Midi-Pyrénées, France) went on to become a major pilgrimage site, attracting over five million pilgrims of all denominations each year.Bernadette is the Holy Patron of bodily illness, Lourdes, France, shepherds, against poverty, and people ridiculed for their faith. She was Beatified on 14 June 1925 and Canonized on 8 December 1933 by Pope Pius XI. Her Feast day is commemorated on 16 April, alternatively in France by some traditionalist congregations on 7 February.


Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 48-RSSR-1
  • Размер: 9 x 4 1/3 inches (22.5 cm x 11.5 cm)
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: ПРОДАНО!
  • Orthodox Cross

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