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Home>>Антикварные Мощевики

Частица Столба Бичевания Иисуса Христа, частица из Храма Погребения Пресвятой Богородицы и мощи избранных святых в мульти-реликварии

A glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca, comprising the first-class, ex ossibus (of the bones) relics of eight Catholic saints centered around pebble relics from the Column of Flagellation of Jesus Christ and the Sepulcher (Empty Tomb) of the Virgin Mary.  The Saints are - Princes of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Italian mystic Saint Nicholas Tolentino, known as the patron of Holy Souls, Saint Philip Neri, known as the Apostle of Rome, Saint Lucy, young Christian Martyr, patron of the blind, Saint Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church,Saint Paschal Baylon patron saint of Eucharistic congresses and Eucharistic associations, and St. Aloysius de Gonzaga, patron of the Christian youth. The relics are mounted against a red background and identified with manuscript cedulae labels. On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is sealed by a seal of red Spanish wax with a partially visible imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic bishop.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 99-MR-175
  • Размер: 47 x 42 mm
  • Возраст: середина 18 века
  • Происхождение: середина 18 века
  • Материалы: середина 18 века
  • Цена: ПРОДАНО!
  • Orthodox Cross

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Boston, MA 02215, США

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