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Home>>Russian icons

Russian Icon - St. Christopher, Martyr

Saint Christopher, his name meaning "Christ-bearer",  is venerated by several Christian denominations as a martyr killed in the reign of the 3rd-century Roman Emperor Decius According to the Christian tradition, he carried a child, who was unknown to him, across a river before the child revealed himself as Christ. Therefore, he is the patron saint of travelers, and small images of him are often worn around the neck, on a bracelet, carried in a pocket, or placed in vehicles by Christians. The Eastern Orthodox Church venerates Christopher of Lycea with a Feast Day on May 9. The liturgical reading and hymns refer to his imprisonment by Decius who tempts Christopher with harlots before ordering his beheading.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 23-101-12-SP6-5
  • Size: 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 in (17 x 14 cm)
  • Age: ca. 1880's
  • Materials: Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Price: SOLD!
  • Orthodox Cross
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