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1987 Documented reliquary with relic of a Polish Blessed Karolina (Carolina) Kózka, patron of abuse victims & youth

Round solid bronze glass-fronted reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus  (of the bone) relic ofthe Blessed Karolina KózkaThe relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as B. Carolinae (Blessed Karolina) On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of black Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of a curia of the Polish town of Tarnow, the place of her beatification by Pope John Paul II. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and signed on June 10th, 1987, the day of her beatification, and signed by Postulator General responsible for the cause of her beatification. 

Blessed Karolina Kózka (†1914) was a fifteen-year-old Polish victim of a sex attack and murder. She was known locally for her strong faith and her eagerness to catechize her neighbors and children. Kózka is often referred to as the "Polish Maria Goretti" due to the manner of her death. Kózka's death caused great public outrage against Russians since a Russian soldier was believed to have attacked and killed her. Three thousand people flocked to her funeral and called for her canonization cause to be introduced as she died defending her virginity. The cause formally commenced in the 1950s and culminated in 1987 with Pope John Paul II beatifying her in independent Poland. Her feast day is celebrated on 18 November and she is considered the Holy Patron of abuse victims, youth, farmers, and Movement of Pure Hearts.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 492-RSGSR
  • Size: 31 mm across
  • Age: ca. 1987
  • Origin: Tarnów, Poland
  • Materials: bronze, plass, silk, wax
  • Price: SOLD!
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