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Russian Icon - Two Monastic Saints: St. Macarius the Great & St. Macarius of Unzha in kiot frame

St. Macarius the Great (295-392)(also known as Macarius the Elder or Macarius of Egypt) was a Coptic Christian monk and hermit. St. Abba Macarius was among the most authoritative Desert Fathers of Egypt, and a disciple of St. Anthony the Great. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates his feast day on January 19.

St. Venerable Macarius of Unzha, Zheltovodsky (of Yellow Lake) and Unzhensky (of Unzha) (ca. 1349-1444) is a Russian Orthodox saint credited with the founding of four monasteries in the Middle and Upper Volga regions of Russia. His feast day is celebrated on July 25.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 49-1009-008-042-SP1
  • Size: 14 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches (36 x 24 cm)
  • Age: ca. second half of the 19th century
  • Origin: Volga Region of Russia
  • Materials: Egg tempera on gessoed wood with silver halos held in glass-fronted wooden kiot shadow frame
  • Price: SOLD!
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
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