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Reliquary theca with relics of 5 Franciscan Blessed: Bl Julia of Certaldo, Bl John of Alvernia, Bl John Lantrua of Triora, Bl Bonaventure of Barcelona & Bl Giles of Assisi

Oval glass-fronted theca housing relics of five Franciscan Blessed: the Blessed Julia of Certaldo, The Blessed John of Alvernia, The Blessed John Lantrua of Triora, Blessed Bonaventure of Barcelonaand the Blessed Giles of Assisi. The relics are affixed to a background of red silk and titled on typographic cedula labels. On the back, the theca is secured with a red wax seal with a coat of arms of Fr. Antonio Santarelli, the Postulator General of the Franciscan Order responsible for causes of beatification and canonization

The Blessed Julia of Certaldo (†1370) was an Augustinian Secular who devoted herself to prayer and penance.

The Blessed John of Alvernia (†1322), also known as Blessed John of La Verna, was a hermit, evangelist and spiritual advisor in the area around Mount Alvernia, central and northern Italy. He had the gifts of infused knowledge, visions, ecstasies, and mind-reading.

The Blessed John Lantrua of Triora (†1816) was a Franciscan martyr of China who was born at Triora, in Liguria, Italy, in 1760 and became a Franciscan at the age of seventeen. John volunteered for the Chinese missions but after working in China with great success from 1798, he was arrested, imprisoned, and strangled on February 7.  The body of the martyr was taken to Rome, where it lies under the altar in the church of Aracoeli. Pope Leo XIII, in the jubilee year 1900, beatified Blessed John of Triora

The Blessed Bonaventure of Barcelona (†1684) was a Franciscan lay brother. who founded the convent of St Bonaventure on the Palatine, where the rule of St Francis was observed in its pristine spirit. 

The Blessed Giles (Latin: Aegidius) of Assisi, O.F.M., (†1262) was one of the original companions of Saint Francis of Assisi and holds a leading place among them. St. Francis called him "The Knight of our Round Table".

Additional Info

  • ID#: 57-RSABR-35
  • Size: 50 x 45 mm
  • Age: ca. 1920's
  • Price: SOLD!
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