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Reliquary theca with relics of St. Francis of Assisi, and 10 Capuchin Franciscan Saints

Oval reliquary theca dating to 1930's and housing relics of St. Francis of Assisi and 10 Capuchin Saints: St. Joseph of Leonessa, St. Felix of Nicosia,  St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, St. Veronica Giuliani, St. Bernardo da Corleone,  St. Crispino da Viterbi, Bl. Bernard of Offida, St. Lawrence of Brindisi, and St. Seraphin of Montegranaro. The relics are affixed to a background of red silk, surrounded by paperolle and silver cord ornamentation and identified on typographic cedula labels On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.

Saint Francis of Assisi (†1226), was an Italian Roman Catholic friar and preacher who founded the men's Order of Friars Minor, the women's Order of Saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land. Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in history. He is a Holy Patron of animals; the environment; Italy; merchants; San Francisco, California, Naga City, Cebu, tapestry workers.  

Saint Joseph of Leonessa, O.F.M. Cap., (Italian: Giuseppe da Leonessa) (†1612) is a saint of the Catholic Church and a Capuchin monk who preached to the poor and reconciled feuding families as well as warring cities which had been at odds for years. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XIV in 1746. His feast day is kept on February 4, within the Franciscan Order.

Saint Felix of Nicosia, O.F.M. Cap. (†1787) was a Capuchin friar who had a particular veneration for the Blessed Sacrament, spending hours in front of the tabernacle, even after having endured the harsh trials of every day. He was endowed with the gift of healing both physical and spiritual diseases and he delighted in tending the sick. He could also bilocate in the same way as another Capuchin friar of modern times, Padre Pio. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1888. In 1891, his relics were translated to the cathedral of the city for greater access by the public who wished to venerate him. He was canonized on 23 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI.

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M. Cap. (†1622) was a Capuchin friar who was a major figure in the Counter-Reformation, and was murdered by his opponents at Seewis im Prättigau, now part of Switzerland. Fidelis was canonized in 1746. His Feast day is celebrated o April 24.

Saint Veronica Giuliani, O.S.C. Cap., (Veronica de Julianis) (†1727) was an Italian Capuchin Poor Clares nun and mystic. After Veronica's death, a figure of the Cross was supposedly found impressed upon her heart, and her body has been noted as being incorrupt. She was beatified by Pope Pius VII ​in 1804, and was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI ​in 1839. She is usually represented in art crowned with thorns and embracing the Cross. St. Veronica's "rebirth" in Lebanon began with the devotion of a Lebanese religious, Brother Emmanuel, who came upon her writings in 1994 while serving at a monastery in Deir al-Zour, Syria.

Saint Bernardo da Corleone, O.F.M. Cap (†1667) was a Roman Catholic professed religious from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He was a cobbler like his father until the latter died and he became a violent-tempered soldier who was quick to challenge to a duel those who offended him or the causes he believed in. But one duel went too far and he almost killed his opponent; he fled to the Franciscans in Palermo where he experienced a radical conversion and repented for his previous life. He became severe with himself and inflicted harsh penances on himself such as flagellation. The confirmation of two miraculous healings attributed to his intercession allowed for Clement XIII to preside over the beatification in 1768. Latini received canonization from Pope John Paul II centuries later on 10 June 2001 after the confirmation of one more miracle. His Feast is commemorated on January 12.

Saint Crispino da Viterbi, O.F.M. Cap. (†1750) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious from Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Fioretti was an ardent devotee of the Mother of God and was consecrated to her protection in 1674. He served in various roles for the order in various cities around Rome where he became a well-known figure with various nobles and prelates - even Pope Clement XI visiting him and seeking him out for advice and support. Fioretti likewise was known as a sort of wonderworker who worked miracles during his lifetime and for his warm sense of humor and his simple method for living. Pope Pius VII beatified him in 1806 while Pope John Paul II canonized him as a saint on 20 June 1982. His feast day is celebrated on May 19.

Saint Angelo of Acri, O.F.M. Cap. (Angelo d'Acri) (†1739) was a Capuchin Franciscan, who oppressed by doubts and uncertainties, left the Novitiate twice; the third time he remained. He professed vows in 1691 and took the name "Angelo". Unsuccessful in his first sermons, he eventually became a famous preacher after a tremendous success preaching in Naples during Lent in 1711. For the rest of his life, he preached missions in Calabria and Naples, converting thousands and performing many miracles of healing. He was reputed to have had the gifts of prophecy and bilocation, experienced visions and ecstasies and was a sought after confessor with the ability to see into men's souls. Elected Provincial Superior, he was called “the angel of peace” for his way of governing the Province. Pope Leo XII beautified him in 1825 and Pope Francis canonized him in 2017.

Blessed Bernard of Offida, O.F.M. Cap. (†1694) was a professed religious from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin from the Marche area who lived for the most part in servitude to his fellow friars in various capacities and he was noted for his strong Eucharistic dedication and for his holiness. Joseph Haydn wrote a special Mass in his honor dubbed the "Missa sancti Bernardi von Offida". He was beatified by Pope Pius VI in 1795 and his feast is commemorated on August 22. 

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, O.F.M. Cap. (†1619) was a Roman Catholic priest, a theologian, and a member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He was beatified in 1783 by Pope Pius VI, canonized in 1881 by Pope Leo XIII, and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope John XXIII in 1959. His feast day is celebrated on July 21.

Saint Seraphin of Montegranaro, O.F.M. Cap. (Italian: Serafino da Montegranaro) († 1604), was an Italian Capuchin friar who is honored as a Saint by the Catholic Church. He was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on 16 July 1767. In the papal bull of canonization, the illiterate and physically clumsy Capuchin was acclaimed as a person who "knew how to read and understand the great book of life which is our Savior, Jesus Christ. For that reason, he deserves to be listed among Christ's principal disciples." Sera​phin's feast day is celebrated on 12 October. His tomb is in the Capuchin friary at Ascoli Piceno. A church at San Lorenzo Nuovo is dedicated to him.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 04-RSMR-5
  • Size: 50 x 47 mm
  • Age: ca. 1930's
  • Origin: Italy
  • Price: SOLD!
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